
担当; X,Yahan. A,Hotta. K,Hotta.
協力;N,Kawagishi. T,Fuji, Kikusato. (MJD), Giraffe Technologies


  • Brawser Based programme Implementation

  • CFD prediction based onML, DL

  • Practical Tips in practical usage


At PO-LLC, as part of the performance-based design business, we have been involved in a number of shape optimization operations based on various environmental analyzes. By collaborating and using parametric modeling, evaluation function design, metaheuristics, etc., we are working on designs based on the performance of various "things" linked with building environmental engineering.

By the way, when the current so-called generative design and this environmental analysis are combined and operated, a huge amount of analysis calculation is performed in real time, especially for each scheme. In this case, fluid calculation (called CFD from here) has a large calculation load, and accurate values ​​may not be obtained until the calculation converges to some extent, which makes real-time multiple analysis calculation difficult. It was the upper barrier. As one solution, simplification of calculation is desired, and as another method, speeding up of analysis is desired.



20201001_CADDRIA2020(copy)_Comparative Study on Urban Virtual Modeling Platforms for Urban Planning and Design Practice_(PO-MJS)

In such a context, we developed a mechanism to quickly return the calculation result by training the result of CFD analysis by machine learning in advance using machine learning (ANN), and implemented and announced it on the WEB-based CAD platform. bottom.
(2020, Comparative Study on Urban Virtual Modeling Platforms for Urban Planning and Design Practice, Kawagishi, Noboru, Fuji, Takaaki, Hotta, Kensuke and Hotta, Akito 2020, CAADRIA Thailand)

(2020, Comparative Study on Urban Virtual Modeling Platforms for Urban Planning and Design Practice Kawagishi, Noboru, Fuji, Takaaki, Hotta, Kensuke and Hotta, Akito 2020, CAADRIA Thailand)




There were cases where we couldn't handle it in practice if we were only in this frame. The most frequent problems are:

❶ It takes too much time to train in advance (you have to analyze dozens of cases in advance)

❷ (instead of ➀) It is necessary to learn according to the use case (instead of ➀) It takes a lot of time to prepare individually.)

❸ (In relation to ②) It is not possible to handle cases with complicated shapes such as cities.

As is often said in machine learning in other cases, not only performance related to accuracy, but also tune-up when training, where and how to prepare food before operation, and how to eat it as a data set. Seems to be a problem.

Urban Scale Wind Analysis with Deep Learning Monica Xiao Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei inc. PO llc.

Currently, various application cases using this tool have already been put into practical use (as of 202205 / planned to be added more info later).

現在はこのツールを使用した、多様なアプリケーションケースをすでに実用化している(202205現在/ 加筆予定)