
Architectural Agenda-1; Overlayed Environmental Attraction for Agent Based Design in Computational Architectural Design

In the context of modernism and functionalism in architecture, when reconfiguring homogeneous space into heterogeneous space, we (POllc. and Dr.Hotta) had a solution: overlayed environmental simulation. 

   This concept spontaneously emerged from our daily work: simulation-based and performance-based design. The demand for different simulations to assess the performance of buildings is one of our main tasks in practice.

 If we take the opposite procedure of analysing existing-diverse spaces by breaking them down into their elements (whether in terms of built environment engineering, cognition or so-called architectural planning), it should be possible to turn homogeneous spaces into creative spaces that induce specific or generic human actions. Rather, an architectural theory of the reverse process is sought after.

(Please reffer, for more detail Hotta,K 2013, Mies van der Rohe, Hara,H )




